Sunday, 15 July 2007

Perth, Scotland

In one of life’s randomness that tends to afflict me, I ended up in Perth, a former city of aboot 50 thousant fowk, with a rich and turbulent heritage intimately tied with the River Tay, a historical centre for whisky and once the gateway to the Highlands in the age of railways. It’s square shaped layout hinted to a past medieval walled city but the modern streets are clean, colourful and full of art and culture with great shopping and eating choices.

Unfortunately I got there when the whole city was shut.

Smeaton's Bridge, with St. Matthew's Church on the left, looking north from Queen's Bridge.

Incidentally, whilst families with 1.8 children and orthodontically perfect convivial couples strolled or biked around the picturesque parks and riversides, it appears bored roaming teenagers are a common affliction of many UK towns and cities. It’s all so samey with their emblematic “hoodie” look. Ugh.

St. John's Kirk is the center of the town and the oldest building in Perth, dating back to 1159.

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